Discipleship and Friendship
Adult small groups are an important part of life at RBC, and a great way for adults to connect with and disciple each other by sharing life, building friendships, studying God’s Word, and praying for each other.
At RBC our small groups meet in a variety of ways, times, and locations. Some RBC small groups run continually throughout the year, but most meet for a limited duration of two to three months, meeting weekly or every other week. As a result, our selection of groups varies by season and from year to year.
Generally, we strive to have a selection that includes gender-specific and mixed-gender groups. Some meet physically in homes, at the church building, or elsewhere in Ridgefield and the surrounding towns, while others meet virtually via Zoom. Small groups are topically diverse, including groups oriented toward studying the Bible, discussing a selected book, focusing on a particular topic, or spending time together in prayer. Childcare is also available in some of our small groups.
Check out our small groups if you’re looking for:
- Good friends
- Accountability
- Personal growth
- Bible reading and study
- Prayer focus
- Outreach
Contact office@ridgefieldbaptist.org to find out more about what small groups are currently being offered. We hope you find one that works for you.
What Happens at Small Group?
Typically, when you arrive, you’ll be invited to share a snack and chat to start getting to know the others in the group. There will be a discussion time based on a Bible study, book study, or a recent sermon. This is a great time to bring your questions and thoughts about Christian life and faith. We also value prayer time so we can care for each other by bringing our needs and requests to God, both during our meetings and by remembering each other in prayer during the week.
We want all participants to feel comfortable in our groups. You will not be pressured to pray aloud or share your thoughts unless you feel comfortable doing so. If you do, we are glad to have you join in, but feel free to come only to listen if that is what you prefer. We pray that through a small group you will make friends, establish deeper connections and, through these times of teaching, discussion and personal sharing, grow to more deeply experience God’s love displayed at the Cross.