This week’s sermon, The Joy of God and His Living Word, focused on Psalm 119:1-8. (Unfortunately, due a recording issue, only the first half of the sermon could be uploaded). The goal of this sermon was to encourage members and friends of RBC to continue to make Scripture reading, meditation, and study a meaningful part of their walk with God. Prior to the sermon, I offered nine ways that this could be done. These suggestions are on a sliding scale, from the easiest to the those that take a bit more effort.
I The Proverbs Project
Each of the 31 Proverbs reveals the gospel in wisdom. Commit to reading a Proverb per day as it corresponds to the day of the month: day 1, read Proverb 1; day 2, Proverb 2; etc. After each reading, write down one idea that grabs your attention and two ways that it can change the way that you think about life and God for that day. Repeat this schedule for three months.
II The Matthew Project
Matthew writes about the life of Jesus. Similar to the Proverbs Project, read through Matthew’s 28 chapters one chapter per day for the entire month. After your daily reading, write down one idea about Jesus from the text and two ways that this truth can change the way you think about your day.
III The Pauline Project
For this project, we will choose the four-chapter book of Philippians. Read two chapters of Philippians per day for 30 days. By the end of the month, having read the book 15 times, in addition to being (very!) familiar with the content of the book, you will feel as though you know the author, almost sensing the tone of Paul as he writes.
IV Sermon Project
Listen to a sermon during your daily commute to work. Scores of good sermons can be found at The Gospel Coalition. Additionally, pastors such as Alistair Begg and Erwin Lutzer offer sound teaching coupled with strong applications. Or perhaps you are encouraged by the gospel-centered excitement of Eric Mason or the accessible, apologetic touch of Tim Keller. If I could only listen to one pastor for the rest of my life, I’d probably choose J.M. Boice.
V Psalms Project
It has been wisely said that the Scriptures not only speak to us, but for us. If you want to learn how to pray the Psalms, secure a copy of Donald Whitney’s Praying the Bible (and be sure to read this article by Andy Naselli)
VI Christian Book Project
Commit to reading a Christian book, thinking deeply on the passages and theology it discusses. In addition to a church library, RBC features a select number of books on a table in our lobby.
VII Small Group Project
Join a small group Bible study at your local church (RBC’s small groups will resume in the fall).
VIII Bible Study Project
Bible studies are normally geared for small groups. That said, they can serve well for personal or family devotions. Two good resources are Matthias and Crossway.
IX Inductive Bible Study Project
Inductive Bible study is an in-depth, systematic approach to studying Scripture that involves observing, interpreting, and applying the text. Precept Ministry offers some helpful resources, and here is a book that I wrote to teach the process.
Whichever approach you choose, remember that doing something is always better than doing nothing.